

10 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Outdoors

The days of soaking up the beauty of a natural landmark in solitude are limited. Crowds of people jockeying for the same photo-op make it difficult to attain a truly mindful connection with the outdoo

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Dandelions

Dandelions are often thought of as an impediment to a beautiful lawn or garden. But these flowers are more than just a weed—they’re the whole plant deal. Not only are dandelion leaves delicious and wh

10 Things You Must Pack For a Summer Vacay

Sleep deprivation, stressful situations, and junk food temptations galore: traveling isn’t always great for your health. You may already have your tissues and your “I have seasonal allergies” excuses

Magnesium: How Much Do You Know?

Do you know everything you need to know about magnesium? Did you know that a huge number of adults take in too little magnesium in their diets, resulting in deficiencies? Find out why magnesium is a k

Thrive (and Africa)

This is what happened when alive\'s Publisher, Ryan Benn, travelled to Africa with Thrive—an incredible nonprofit that\'s growing change in impoverished areas.It’s a mild summer evening in Kenya, a plac

The Multi-Hyphenate Role Model

Angela Lindvall does a lot—modeling, mothering and advocating for the environment—while maintaining a balanced life and, most of all, a healthy perspective.At just 14 years old, Kansas-bred, blue-eyed

Cool Name of the Week: Noel

What cool-name-of-the-week name really suits Christmas week? I couldn't think of anything better than N

Good Parenting Is a Better Predictor for Academic Success

When it comes to a student’s academic success, studies show it’s the parents that matter.A new study from North Carolina State University, Brigham Young University, and the University of California, s

Old School: Did Veronica Mars Influence Baby Names?

Anyone else excited by the news that there's a new Veronica Mars movie in the works? Apparently, quite

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