

6 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday

The holidays can be a hazardous time for the environment. Thankfully, we\'ve compiled our best tips to celebrate the holidays in style and in an eco-friendly way.Between excessive meat consumption, inc

Persuading Kids to Skip Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Sugar-sweetened beverages are contributing to obesity in children. But researchers have found a way to get the message about their calorie content across to kids.Since Kim Mitchell sang “Go for a Soda

Can Hugs and Kisses Ward off Future Illness?

A new study finds that children of families with low socioeconomic status who had nurturing mothers had better health in midlife than those with less caring mothers.In another chapter of the nature ve

Am I Pretty Or Ugly?

Children as young as five years old are unhappy with their body image, and some six-year-old girls want to look \"sexy.\" What can parents do to counteract the destructive messages that kids receive thr

Veg Out

I tried not to panic when my 14-year-old daughter, Emily, decided to adopt a vegetarian diet. As a growing teen, would a vegetarian diet affect her health?I tried not to panic when my 14-year-old daug

Healthy Giving

Let alive\'s holiday gift guide simplify your holiday shopping. Our selection of eco-friendly, healthy gifts are available at natural health retailers across Canada.’Tis the season for catching up with

How to Talk to Your Anti-Vaccine Friends

Start by listening. Let a friend air all her worries without jumping in to contradict her. “She needs

Cool Name of the Week: India

Place names are apparently all the rage, at least for girls—among the top movers and shakers, five pl

Old School: Did Veronica Mars Influence Baby Names?

Anyone else excited by the news that there's a new Veronica Mars movie in the works? Apparently, quite

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