Would You Let Snooki Name Your Baby?

Snooki's Favorite Baby Names 28189

Apparently, now that Jersey Shore is cancelled and she already has experience naming one baby of her own, Snooki has gone into the baby-naming biz—and she's offering her unsolicited baby name advice to celebs like Kim Kardashian and Fergie.

For Fergie's soon-to-come baby, she offers Casper for a boy, "because Fergie is funky and fun, so Casper's a fun name." For a girl, Violet's her choice, "because Violet is pretty just like Fergie."

For the offspring of the K-centric couple, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, Snooki picked Kougar or Kat "so they could still fit in the family business." (I'm intrigued as to what business the Kardashians are in, other than allowing their lives to be filmed for prime-time TV and coming up with trendy names like Khloe and Mason.)

Overall, the choices are about 50-50 in my book. I like the girls' names. Violet's always been a big favorite of mine (I'm using it for the heroine of a novel I'm working on), and I like Kat as a nickname for something longer, like Katharine or Katrina. But Casper has the connection with the "friendly ghost" of old-school cartoon fame (maybe Snooki's too young to remember the cartoons?), and Kougar—well, you know my thoughts about creative spellings. Plus, Cougar has those semi-creepy connotations of middle-aged women prowling for young handsome men. I also find it interesting that she went for mostly offbeat, daring choices for others, when her own baby was given a very old-school Italian name (Lorenzo).

What do you think of Snooki's baby name choices? Would any of them make your short list? (Shout out to Appellation Mountain for the heads up on this interesting news!)

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Image: Brad Camembert / Shutterstock.com


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