My best friend from college, Kelly, has a daughter that's a virtual doppleganger of her—the same gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and porcelain skin, the same bright smile and creative streak—there's no way that she could deny that this was her daughter.
And she and her husband chose a very cool name that I hadn't heard around much previous to that—Bronwyn. It's a Welsh name, and while it may seem like it means "brown," it actually means white-breasted. (Not a bad choice for a girl with such a luminous complexion.) It's not on the top 1000 list for the U.S. yet, but given the number of Bronwyns I've seen since my friend's daughter was born a few years ago, I'm thinking it's not long before it starts its rise on the charts. It'd be a nice choice if you like some of the super-popular names like Evelyn and Brooklyn, but want something that's a little less common.
I don't recall exactly what middle name my friend gave her Bronwyn (it might be Jean, which is her own middle name), but it's a name that would go beautifully with some nature-themed names, like Sage, Plum or Jade (especially if you have a long surname, as Kelly does), or with longer names like Elizabeth, Clementine or Eleanor if your last name is short.
What do you think of the name Bronwyn? Would you consider it for your own daughter?
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Photo: Pregnant woman via Ronald Summers/