How to Pack a Diaper Bag

diaper bag

Pick the right bag. Choose one that has pockets and zippered compartments to help you stay organized. Look for fabrics that are easy to clean (both inside and out) in case of spills. If you're trying to decide between two, choose the smaller one. This will limit temptation to overpack.

Plan for your outing. What you bring will depend on the amount of time you'll be gone. If you'll be out of the house for an hour or two, take just the essentials: a pacifier, whatever you need for feedings, a changing pad, diapers, wipes, plastic bags for dirty diapers or soiled clothes, and a change of clothes for Baby and at least an extra shirt for you.

Take more for longer trips. If you'll be gone for a few hours or more, bring extras of the items above, plus a small container of diaper rash cream, breast pads if you're breastfeeding, a small toy or two, and tissues.

Plan ahead. Keep your bag stocked with the essentials, and replenish as needed. Wait to pack bottles, snacks, and nonessentials until you're about to leave the house.

Copyright © 2012 Meredith Corporation.

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